Sunday, 26 December 2010

Siegfried Sassoon… and a Realisation

Siegfried Sassoon was not a pacifist but an objector against the First World War, I am a complete pacifist.

So what is the similarity?

Well the understanding of Sassoon’s feelings about the war came clearer to me when I was in Tyne Cot, one of the largest war cemeteries for WW1.

I had always found that it was odd in a way that Sassoon who was a brave solider can be so angry about the war instead of constantly feeling upset about the people, friends and brothers in arms that he lost. Why was he angry?

I now know why he was angry.

Because all the lives that were lost were nearly for nothing.

I’m not saying that those men died for nothing or were nothing, I have the up most respect for those who fought and those fighting now.

But millions of men dying for a few meters of land? That seams like nothing because of how precious a life is.

So there I was in Tyne Cot, looking over all the graves and wondered why this mass slaughter was allowed to happen.

So I got angry instead of being upset.

So I understand, not completely, I don’t think I ever will, Siegfried Sassoon’s feelings about the war and why he was like that.

Millions of lives lost for a few meters of mud.

I think that we should fight for what we believe in, stand up for your rights but it should never turn to violence or killing.

I know what you think that this is: Idealistic? Not realistic? The furthest away dream for Earth?

Yes it is.

But if everyone shared the same sort of ideas we can prevent something like the World Wars happening again

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Siegfried Sassoon...

Shortly I will be posting a post about Siegfried Sassoon and for those who don't want to Google him here is basic information. (that I didn't copy straight form Wikipedia)

He fought in the First World War and signed up on the second day of the war and later became a protester against the war, he won the Miliarty Cross for bravery. He was a poet and good friend to many other writers and poets including Wilfred Owen, H. G. Wells  and Robert Graves.

To me he is one, if not the, greatest war poets ever.

A plaque dedecated to the men fallen form Sassoons
old school with Sassoons message to them

My favourite being and happily titiled 'Suicide in the Trenches' showing the side of war that the people in England could not dream about.

I knew a simple soldier boy.....
Who grinned at life in empty joy,
Slept soundly through the lonesome dark,
And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, cowed and glum,
With crumps and lice and lack of rum,
He put a bullet through his brain.
And no one spoke of him again.

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.

I will write more about Sassoon and his infulences and the realisation I had in France and how Sassoon is linked to that.

2ns December and More of Ypres, Churches, Cemeteries and Tyne Cot

Private Peaceful's grave and graveyard 

Ypres memorial Church

Tyne Cot

1st December and More Graves, a Battlefield, Thiepval Memorial and Arras

A French cemetery in the distance

A British cemetery

Two Fusillers - Brothers in arms who died in each others arms

A perserved trench and battlefield

Thiepval Memorial

The faces of the missing

The oldest man to die in battle

Devonshire Trench that they still hold

Arras Christmas market

30th November and Trenches, Graves and Ypres

The trench of death, Belgium

The inside of the trench of death
Entrance of a German Cemetery

List of the missing of a German Cemetery

German graves

German list of the missing an a mass grave

Statues of German soliders

Ypres town hall

Ypres Catheral

The youngest British Solider, aged 16

A British Cemertery

The Menin Gates

Lists of the missing on the Menin Gates