Siegfried Sassoon was not a pacifist but an objector against the First World War, I am a complete pacifist.
So what is the similarity?
Well the understanding of Sassoon’s feelings about the war came clearer to me when I was in Tyne Cot, one of the largest war cemeteries for WW1.
I had always found that it was odd in a way that Sassoon who was a brave solider can be so angry about the war instead of constantly feeling upset about the people, friends and brothers in arms that he lost. Why was he angry?
I now know why he was angry.
Because all the lives that were lost were nearly for nothing.
I’m not saying that those men died for nothing or were nothing, I have the up most respect for those who fought and those fighting now.
But millions of men dying for a few meters of land? That seams like nothing because of how precious a life is.
So there I was in Tyne Cot, looking over all the graves and wondered why this mass slaughter was allowed to happen.
So I got angry instead of being upset.
So I understand, not completely, I don’t think I ever will, Siegfried Sassoon’s feelings about the war and why he was like that.
Millions of lives lost for a few meters of mud.
I think that we should fight for what we believe in, stand up for your rights but it should never turn to violence or killing.
I know what you think that this is: Idealistic? Not realistic? The furthest away dream for Earth?
Yes it is.
But if everyone shared the same sort of ideas we can prevent something like the World Wars happening again