Tuesday, 16 August 2011

An Act of Random Kindness

Throughout the last few weeks riots hit our capital, there has been looting and fights and London was on fire due to the riots.

Young people have been given a bad name due to this but I am not going to write about my opinion on the matter because it has been and hopefully gone for good.

But I am going to write about is how we can help clear up after the riots and how we can prevent them in future time. And I know what you are thinking how can this be done? How can one person or even two change the world?

It is easy one act at a time.

Today I went to the hospital, the car park was full but happily a woman and her daughter was just leaving but before the woman moved her car she sent her daughter out to give us her parking ticket that had an hours time left on it.

This was one act of random kindness, we didn’t know the mother and daughter but still they did this.

I know it doesn’t seam like that much of a deal in retrospective but if we all collaborated together and helped everyone else out then the world would be a better place to live in.

Young people everywhere need to prove that we are not like those who started the riots and if we simply do small random acts this will show that young people do care and that we can be a better world because of it.

It could be a simple as picking up litter and putting it in to the bin or giving a few pounds to charity sometimes or helping an older person with their shopping.

If we all club together we can clear up this world and make it a better place and if we do this now as the new generation then future generation can see our kindness and be better in the years to come.